Know Your Farmer, Know Your LocaleSM
* Locale - noun [loh-kal] A place or locality, including the events, people, food & wine associated with it.
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Business type: Farmers Market or CSA

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Lincoln village farmers market

Locale ID CA9327

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The Certified Farmers' Markets provide the most convenient and direct way for the consumer to purchase produce that has only traveled from the farm to the Certified Farmers' Market, not the circuitous route from the field to the packing house, then the wholesale broker who sells it to a supermarket, and finally to the consumer. Produce sold at a Certified Farmers' Market is usually picked the morning of the market or, at the longest time, the night before. Often the produce has traveled less than 10 miles to reach the consumer. The person selling produce to you is usually the same person who planted the seeds, tended the plants and picked it. He or she can inform you of the produce's unique characteristics, show you the difference between varieties, offer hints for storage, or provide delicious recipes.

The vendors at a Certified Farmers' Market have been inspected by their local Agriculture Department. Each farmer has a list of the products they grow on display in their sales booth. This is the consumer's assurance that the products they are purchasing were grown by the person selling them. The Certified Farmers' Market is the only Farmers' Market to offer the consumer this type of guarantee that the products they are purchasing are fresh, local, and direct from the farmer.

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Look For "Shelf Talker" Grower Cards At Food Stores

Are you the grower? To order Shelf Talker business cards which can be customized and feature grower information
on the reverse of the card (see images below) please check out these resource pages:

Know Your Farmer Shelf Talker with QR Code* by Top10ProduceLLC   |   Browse Traceability Business Cards
Know Your Farmer Shelf Talker with QR Code profilecard Know Your Farmer Shelf Talker with QR Code profilecard
* QR Code is registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED

Last Update: January 6, 2011
NOTE: We are updating profiles as quickly as we can - but if you would like to request that we update a grower's locale profile immediately, CLICK HERE and put in the Locale ID (i.e. CA5005) and we will update the requested profile immediately.

If you would like your business to be added to this site, so that you can turn up in searches of GLNs (Global Location Numbers), as well as your GTINs (Global Trade Item Numbers), please contact us using this Request To Add Your Business page. Thanks!

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