(e.g. Rivenrock Gardens or CA0002)
Business type:
Farmer, Grower, or Rancher
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South Central Farmers' Cooperative
Locale ID
Run by
Sarah Nolan
Each box of produce includes a variety of produce. The variety of produce offered is determined by what is in season and what is ready to eat or "vine-ripened" at the time of harvest. All produce is Certified Organic. Some typical items we carry are Swiss Chard, Beets(variety), Kale(variety), Collard Greens, Radishes, Carrots, Spinach, Tomatoes(variety), Chilies(variety), Onions, melons and more!
We have pre-existing drop off locations, but work closely with schools and businesses to create drop off locations for their own organization. All you need is a solid 15 people to get started.
Our educational work and farming practices seek to restore the traditional place of local, organically-grown fruits and vegetables in the diets and lifestyles of Latinos and other low-income, ethnic minority populations. Our work emphasizes ties across the generations for the benefit of youth who face national trends toward increasing childhood obesity, as well as for the benefit of adults in reversing the numbers of those diagnosed with diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. The objectives of the proposed project are to promote:
" Healthy living through local food sovereignty: Our communities recognize organic fruits and vegetables as part of traditional heritage cuisines and make appropriate changes in their diets by gaining access to culturally-appropriate, local sources of organic fruits, vegetables, and aromatic herbs.
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Last Update:
4, 2010