Know Your Farmer, Know Your LocaleSM
* Locale - noun [loh-kal] A place or locality, including the events, people, food & wine associated with it.
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Business type: Agricultural Support Business

Loci Food
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Loci Food

Locale ID OR6010

Run by Aaron Raddon
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Why Locifood?

What sets Locifood apart from all those other local food sites? Here at Locifood we want you to be an active part of the local food movement.

* Contribute > By adding your picture and comments you are increasing visibility to local food and food sources. Find a new great sustainable meat source at the farmer’s market? Don’t keep it to yourself, let your network in on your secret. Let’s do our part to keep our local food producers in business. * Interact > Your food sources are no longer nameless and faceless. Were the strawberries you picked up this morning from Farmer John’s roadside stand delicious? Tell him. And tell your friends, so they don’t miss out either. * Do your part > Help to educate your local community on healthy, yummy local food. Every step we get closer to local sourcing is a step closer to improved quality of life for your community. * HAVE FUN! > Share the joy of the food you eat and make with your friends. Compare notes and find new local favorites.

We help people find and share local food

Instead of heading to your local supermarket, use LociFood to find fresh, tasty, LOCAL food sources. Become a part of the local food movement in your community by recommending producers and products. Our integration with Facebook and Twitter allows you to provide a single post.

What sets LociFood apart:

* Traceability: Each producer has an individual profile page providing information about their food, what is in season, ratings and comments from other users, and photos from the community. Know about the food you buy and the producers that grow it. Learn more about the farmers at your favorite farmer’s market or CSA. * Finding Food: Find and choose from hundreds of farms and small producers (canners, cheese makers, bakers) in your area. Search for your favorite farmers and where you can purchase their products. * Selecting Food: With so many options available for local food, selection can be overwhelming. We help provide information on which farmers to choose based on your own criteria (organic, biodynamic, etc.) as well as reviews by your fellow local foodies. * Community: Read about other users local food experiences through their blogs, share shopping lists and recipes, and follow farmers as they progress through the growing season.

We grow the local market for producers We provide technology that is easy to use

We want to encourage small producers by providing them with a connection to the local food community. As our community grows, so will interest in your products. We improve marketability of your products

By integrating your Locifood updates with Facebook and Twitter, it is easy to keep your customers updated from your Locifood page. Manage and consolidate customer list, fans, and newsletter subscribers with our premium services. Use your mobile devices to update photos in your profile, and send out status updates for your farm.

Click for Locale Profile

Look For "Shelf Talker" Grower Cards At Food Stores

Are you the grower? To order Shelf Talker business cards which can be customized and feature grower information
on the reverse of the card (see images below) please check out these resource pages:

Know Your Farmer Shelf Talker with QR Code* by Top10ProduceLLC   |   Browse Traceability Business Cards
Know Your Farmer Shelf Talker with QR Code profilecard Know Your Farmer Shelf Talker with QR Code profilecard
* QR Code is registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED

Last Update: April 23, 2010
NOTE: We are updating profiles as quickly as we can - but if you would like to request that we update a grower's locale profile immediately, CLICK HERE and put in the Locale ID (i.e. CA5005) and we will update the requested profile immediately.

If you would like your business to be added to this site, so that you can turn up in searches of GLNs (Global Location Numbers), as well as your GTINs (Global Trade Item Numbers), please contact us using this Request To Add Your Business page. Thanks!

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