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Product Suppliers > Names beginning F > Falling Waters Farm, LLC
Falling Waters Farm, LLC
Our Locale
Locale ID:  IN0002
Homepage URL:
Business Detailed:  URBAN SUSTAINABLE LOCAL FARMING! Herbs, leafy greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and micro-greens using organic aquaponics. Our fish of choice is perch.
Owners Name:  Jon Shope
Contact Email:  n/a
Contact Phone:  (317) 507-8527
Contact Fax:  n/a
Street Address:  5902 East 34th Street
City:  Indianapolis
County:  n/a
US Zipcode:  46218
State (if in U.S.):  IN
Country:  United States
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Locale ID IN0002:
Joined Site:  February 24, 2016
Homepage Hits:  1156
Reviewed Listings:  Indiana (0 Reviews)
Locale Products:  Basil 3/4 oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Amaranth (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Arugula 15oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Arugula 1oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Arugula 8oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Basil 15oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Basil 8oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Broccoli (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Broccoli 15 oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Broccoli 8oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Bulls Blood Beet (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Cabbage 1oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Celery (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Chard Mix (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Cilantro 15oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Cilantro 8oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Daikon Radish 15oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Daikon Radish 8oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Detroit Red Beet 15oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Detroit Red Beet 8oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Golden Acre Cabbage 15oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Golden Acre Cabbage 8oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Golden Pea Shoots 15oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Golden Pea Shoots 8oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Green Mix 15oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Green Mix 8oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Kale (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Kale 1oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Living Pea Tendrils Tray (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Living Sunflower Shoots Tray (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Mizuna (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Mustard (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Parsley (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Pea Shoots (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Pea Shoots 1oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Popcorn Shoots 15oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Popcorn Shoots 8oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Purple Sango Radish (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Radish Mix (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Radish Mix 15oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Radish Mix 1oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Radish Mix 8oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Rainbow Mix 15oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Rainbow Mix 15oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Rainbow Mix 1oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Rambo Radish (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Red Chard (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Red Rock Cabbage 15oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Red Rock Cabbage 8oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Red Russian Kale 15oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Red Russian Kale 8oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Sunflower 15oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Sunflower 8oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Sunflower Shoots 1oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Tatsoi (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Wasabi (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Watercress (Locale Brand) in Indiana
MG Yellow Chard 8oz (Locale Brand) in Indiana
Wheatgrass 1020 Tray (Locale Brand) in Indiana
Wheatgrass 4in Pot, 10 Count (Locale Brand) in Indiana
NOTE: We are updating profiles as quickly as we can - but if you would like to request that we update a grower's locale profile immediately, CLICK HERE and put in the Locale ID (i.e. CA5005) and we will update the requested profile immediately.

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