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Alemaya Farm
Our Locale
Locale ID:  CA0035
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Business Detailed:  Alemaya Farm LLC is a small, fairly new crop farm in Woodside, California. It opened in 2013
Owners Name:  Jonathan Wilcox
Contact Email:  Contact Member
Contact Phone:  650-619-7963
Contact Fax:  n/a
Street Address:  121 Croydon Way,
City:  Woodside
County:  n/a
US Zipcode:  94062-2312
State (if in U.S.):  CA
Country:  United States
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Locale ID CA0035:
Joined Site:  November 6, 2015
Homepage Hits:  1023
Reviewed Listings:  California (0 Reviews)
Locale Products:  American Eggplant Choice (Locale Brand) in California
Butternut Squash Large (Locale Brand) in California
Butternut Squash Med (Locale Brand) in California
Butternut Squash Small (Locale Brand) in California
Chinese Eggplant 12s (Locale Brand) in California
Chinese Eggplant 18s (Locale Brand) in California
Chinese Eggplant 24s (Locale Brand) in California
Chinese Eggplant 30s (Locale Brand) in California
Eggplant American 18s (Locale Brand) in California
Eggplant American 24s (Locale Brand) in California
Eggplant American 30s (Locale Brand) in California
Eggplant, American 12s (Locale Brand) in California
Eggplant, Chinese (Locale Brand) in California
Eggplant, Italian Ex F (Locale Brand) in California
Eggplant, Italian F (Locale Brand) in California
Eggplant, Italian Med (Locale Brand) in California
Eng/Alderman Peas (Locale Brand) in California
English Peas (Locale Brand) in California
GR/Emerald Bell Pep Lg (Locale Brand) in California
GR/Emerald Bell Pep Med (Locale Brand) in California
GR/Emerald Bell Pep XL (Locale Brand) in California
GR/Huntington Bell Pep Lg (Locale Brand) in California
GR/Huntington Bell Pep Med (Locale Brand) in California
GR/Huntington Bell Pep XL (Locale Brand) in California
GR/Yolo Wonder Bell Pep L (Locale Brand) in California
GR/Yolo Wonder Bell Pep M (Locale Brand) in California
GR/Yolo Wonder Bell Pep X (Locale Brand) in California
Green Cabbage 18s (Locale Brand) in California
Green Cabbage 24S (Locale Brand) in California
Habanero Pepper Lg (Locale Brand) in California
Habanero Pepper Med (Locale Brand) in California
Habanero Pepper XL (Locale Brand) in California
Hubbard Squash Large (Locale Brand) in California
Hubbard Squash Med (Locale Brand) in California
Hubbard Squash Small (Locale Brand) in California
Italian Eggplant Large (Locale Brand) in California
Italian Eggplant Small (Locale Brand) in California
Kabocha Squash Large (Locale Brand) in California
Kabocha Squash Med (Locale Brand) in California
Kabocha Squash Small (Locale Brand) in California
Napa Cabbage 18s (Locale Brand) in California
Napa Cabbage 24s (Locale Brand) in California
Peppers, Bell, Field, Gr, Ex L (Locale Brand) in California
Peppers, Bell, Field, Gr, Jumbo (Locale Brand) in California
Peppers, Bell, Fld Green, CH (Locale Brand) in California
Peppers, Bell, Fld Green, M (Locale Brand) in California
Pickling Cucumber (Locale Brand) in California
Spaghetti Squash Large (Locale Brand) in California
Spaghetti Squash Med (Locale Brand) in California
Spaghetti Squash Small in California
Squash, Turban 4/7 Bushel (Locale Brand) in California
Squash, Vegetable Marrow 4/7 Bushel (Locale Brand) in California
Squash, White 4/7 Bushel (Locale Brand) in California
Squash, Yellow Straightneck 4/7 Bushel (Locale Brand) in California
Squash, Zucchini 15lb Flat (Locale Brand) in California
Squash, Zucchini, Baby 15lb Flat (Locale Brand) in California
Squash, Zucchini, Round 15lb Flat (Locale Brand) in California
Squash, Zucchini, Yellow 15lb Flat (Locale Brand) in California
Sugar Snap Peas (Locale Brand) in California
Tomatoes Reg Orange On-Vine (Locale Brand) in California
Tomatoes Reg Red Lge (Locale Brand) in California
Tomatoes Reg Red On-Vine (Locale Brand) in California
Tomatoes Reg Red Sml (Locale Brand) in California
Tomatoes Reg Yellow On-Vine (Locale Brand) in California
Tomatoes Vine-Ripe, Reg Lge (Locale Brand) in California
Tomatoes Vine-Ripe, Reg Sml (Locale Brand) in California
Tomatoes, Beefsteak (Locale Brand) in California
Tomatoes, Cherry Orange Bkt (Locale Brand) in California
Tomatoes, Cherry Red Bkt (Locale Brand) in California
Tomatoes, Cherry Red Vine Bkt (Locale Brand) in California
Tomatoes, Cherry Red Vine Bkt (Locale Brand) in California
Tomatoes, Cherry Yelow Bkt (Locale Brand) in California
Tomatoes, Cocktail, R Plum V (Locale Brand) in California
Tomatoes, Cocktail, Red (Locale Brand) in California
Tomatoes, Cocktail, Red, Vine (Locale Brand) in California
Tomatoes, Ghse/Hydropon Lge (Locale Brand) in California
Tomatoes, Ghse/Hydropon Sml (Locale Brand) in California
Tomatoes, Heirloom (Locale Brand) in California
Tomatoes, Heirloom Ex L (Locale Brand) in California
Tomatoes, Heirloom L (Locale Brand) in California
Tomatoes, Heirloom Med (Locale Brand) in California
Tomatoes, Pear, Red (Locale Brand) in California
Tomatoes, Pear, Yellow (Locale Brand) in California
Tomatoes, Plum, Roma On-V (Locale Brand) in California
Tomatoes, Plum, Roma Red (Locale Brand) in California
Tomatoes, Plum, Roma Yellow (Locale Brand) in California
Tomatoes, Reg Yellow (Locale Brand) in California
Watermelon, Bush Super Baby 4/7 Bushel (Locale Brand) in California
Watermelon, Little Baby Flower 4/7 Bushel (Locale Brand) in California
Watermelon, Moon & Stars 4/7 Bushel (Locale Brand) in California
Yellow Straight Neck Fancy (Locale Brand) in California
Yellow Straight Neck Med (Locale Brand) in California
Yellow Straight Neck Xfancy (Locale Brand) in California
Zucchini/Noche Fancy (Locale Brand) in California
Zucchini/Noche Lg (Locale Brand) in California
Zucchini/Noche Med (Locale Brand) in California
Zucchini/Noche Xfancy (Locale Brand) in California
Zucchini/Pascola Lg (Locale Brand) in California
Zucchini/Pascola Sq Fancy (Locale Brand) in California
Zucchini/Pascola Sq Med (Locale Brand) in California
Zucchini/Pascola Xfancy (Locale Brand) in California
NOTE: We are updating profiles as quickly as we can - but if you would like to request that we update a grower's locale profile immediately, CLICK HERE and put in the Locale ID (i.e. CA5005) and we will update the requested profile immediately.

If you would like your business to be added to this site, so that you can turn up in searches of GLNs (Global Location Numbers), as well as your GTINs (Global Trade Item Numbers), please contact us using this Request To Add Your Business page. Thanks!

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