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Pisga Organic
Our Locale
  Local Harvest Yelp CCOF
Locale ID:  CA0034
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Business Detailed:  Pisga Organics began when Sofia applied to Salinas' Farmer Education Program from which she graduated in May 2010. In 2011 she leased 1.5 acres of land in ALBA’s Small Farm Incubator. She planted crops like cilantro, parsley, tomatoes, bell peppers, beets, chard, and event three kinds of soy beans. Thanks to her natural marketing ability, she managed to sell all her produce using different distribution outlets. She even knocked on doors at the local tiendas. Today, Sofia manages 4.5 acres and is selling to ALBA’s wholesale distributor, ALBA Organics. She also sells her produce directly to customers at farmers’ markets in Monterey County. Sofia works on her farm full-time and receives assistance from her husband and from one of her sons that comes out to the farm to help her. Sofia says that her “biggest satisfaction is to produce organic food that will improve the health of her consumers and at the same time improve the land that is providing the food.” (ALBA) Current Produce varies by season
Owners Name:  Sofia
Contact Email:  Contact Member
Contact Phone:  831-261-7408
Contact Fax:  n/a
Street Address:  1700 Old Stage Road
City:  Salinas
County:  Monterey
US Zipcode:  93908-9736
State (if in U.S.):  CA
Country:  United States
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Locale ID CA0034:
Joined Site:  November 7, 2014
Homepage Hits:  794
Reviewed Listings:  California (0 Reviews)
Locale Products:  Curly Kale- 24 bunches (Locale Brand) in California
Dino Kale - 24 bunches (Locale Brand) in California
Romaine Lettuce - 24 ct (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Strawberries 16.oz (1lb) (Locale Brand) in California

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CCOF_Certificate_ClientProfile Pisga Organic.pdf 172707 bytes PDF Document

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