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Product Suppliers > Names beginning G > Gallardo's Organic Farm
Gallardo's Organic Farm
Our Locale
  Buy Organic Locale Strawberries
Locale ID:  CA0025
Homepage URL:
Business Detailed:  Family own farm, growing a variety of organic produce in the Salinas Valley. Graduated from ALBA,a PEPA program.
Owners Name:  Jose Gallardo
Contact Email:  Contact Member
Contact Phone:  831-707-0403
Contact Fax:  n/a
Street Address:  1700 Old Stage Road
City:  Salinas
County:  Monterey
US Zipcode:  93908-9736
State (if in U.S.):  CA
Country:  United States
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Locale ID CA0025:
Joined Site:  September 12, 2014
Homepage Hits:  1358
Reviewed Listings:  California (0 Reviews)
Locale Products:  Beet - Red Ace (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Beet - Red ACE 12 or 24 ct or bags of 25 pounds (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Beet-Golden Beet (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Beet-Golden Beet 12 or 24 ct/ or bags of 25 pounds (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Broccole -Marathon (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Broccole -Marathon 12, 14, 17 ct (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Cabbage - 24s (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Carrots - Orange (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Carrots -Rainbow (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Carrots -Rainbow 12 or 24 ct (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Cucumbers -Snow Fancy (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Cucumbers -Snow Fancy pounds of 15 (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Cucumbers -White Lisban (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Cucumbers -White Lisban pounds of 15 or 25 (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Fennel -Victorio (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Kale -Red (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Kale -Red Bor 12 or 24 ct. (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Kale -Winter (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Kale -Winter Bor 12 or 24 ct. (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Lettuce - Green Towers (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Lettuce - Sangria (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Lettuce - Skyphos (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Lettuce -Avicenna (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Lettuce -Ride Tide (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Lettuce Barilla (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Lettuce- Romaine 12 or 24 ct (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Onion - Sedona (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Onion - Sedona bunches or pounds of 10/50 (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Organic Romaine (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Purple Onion (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Radish- Red Meat (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Radish- Red Meat 24 bunches (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Rutabaga - Laurentian (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Rutabaga - Laurentian pounds of 25 (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Squash -Eight Ball (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Squash -Eight Ball 15 pounds (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Squash-Pascuala (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Squash-Pascuala 15 pounds (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Strawberries 16.oz (1lb) (Locale Brand) in California
Swiss Chard- Rainbow (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California
Swiss Chard- Rainbow 12 or 24 ct (Grower's Reserve Brand) in California

right-click icon to download file name size file type
CCOF Cert Jose Gallardo.pdf 106533 bytes PDF Document
CCOF Global Market -Jose Gallardo.pdf 269580 bytes PDF Document

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