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Product Suppliers > Names beginning W > Windsor farmers market
Windsor farmers market
Our Locale
Locale ID:  CA9419
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Business Detailed:  'Bringing together a young community yearning for good local fresh produce and products, lively entertainment, food education, and kid friendly events. A safe and beautiful place for all to come - to enjoy the morning, to bring your family and to meet your friends at a market whose reputation has earned them "The most energetic and creative market in Northern California.' Opening in June of 2001, with the Grand Opening of the Windsor Town Green, the Windsor Certified Farmers Market and the Town Green was hailed as "The Best Thing that has happened in Windsor." Immediately, the Windsor community accepted the market as a Sunday ritual; as a reason to get out of bed, and a place to shop before and after church. Fresh local produce picked that morning, lined Bell Road. Family's and children romped on the Town Green and a tradition had started. Chef Demonstrations by local and famous chefs are held in the pavilions. Soft music filter through the market, with dancing in the street and the smell of fresh baked bread and BBQ, lead noses to their destination.
Owners Name:  n/a
Contact Email:  n/a
Contact Phone:  (707) 838-1320
Contact Fax:  (707) 433-4595
Street Address:  P.O. Box 1877
City:  Windsor
County:  n/a
US Zipcode:  95492
State (if in U.S.):  CA
Country:  United States
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Joined Site:  January 13, 2011
Homepage Hits:  602
Reviewed Listings:  California (0 Reviews)
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