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Product Suppliers > Names beginning S > Sunnyvale farmers market
Sunnyvale farmers market
Our Locale
Locale ID:  CA9407
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Business Detailed:  Certified Farmers' Markets are instrumental in preserving the diversity of California agriculture by providing marketing outlets for the small acreage growers of heirloom, culinary, ethnic, organic, no pesticide, and other specialty crops not widely grown on a large scale or found at traditional food sources. It's also refreshing to know that one is buying food directly from the producer of that product, something required at a "Certified" farmers' market. Notice the "Growers Certificate" visibly hanging at the farmer's stand. This certificate is issued by the County Agriculture Commissioner authorizing them to sell only the certain crops listed and grown by them. The interaction between you and the farmer is also a nice value in visiting the farmers' market.There is a wide variety of vendors that cater to the tastes of the diverse population of Sunnyvale residents. There is a bread stand, a lovely dessert stand, a few craft stand selling jewelry, a flower tent that sells beautiful fresh bouquets at a reasonable price, and a whole lot of fruit and vegetable stands. Also, there is a collection of tents that sell appetizing foods. If you're in the mood for fresh naan, a yummy falafel pita, or crepes available in either sweet or savory it's all available at very good prices. Parking may be a bit difficult as the entry way to the Cal-train parking garage is blocked off, but if you're willing to walk a little ways you can park in the shopping center parking lot. A short walk through the quaint Murphy square and you're right there in front of the station. The Farmers market runs from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. If you get there early enough you have the best pick of everything each vendor has to offer. If you'd rather sleep in on a Saturday morning and get there after 12 a lot of vendors slash their prices and offer great deals. Regardless of the time you do decide to go, you'll definitely enjoy yourself and may even make the market a regular part of your Saturday routine.
Owners Name:  Ron Pardini
Contact Email:  n/a
Contact Phone:  (510) 745-7100
Contact Fax:  (510) 745-7180
Street Address:  39120 Argonaut Way - #780
City:  Fremont
County:  n/a
US Zipcode:  94538
State (if in U.S.):  CA
Country:  United States
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Joined Site:  January 13, 2011
Homepage Hits:  641
Reviewed Listings:  California (0 Reviews)
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