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Product Suppliers > Names beginning S > Santa Cruz - Downtown farmers market
Santa Cruz - Downtown farmers market
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Locale ID:  CA9397
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Business Detailed:  The market now has expanded to include the entire parking lot. The additional space now allows the market more room for live music, expanded valet bike parking, arts and crafts, cooking demonstrations, information space for non-profit organizations and expanded restroom facilities. The Market currently occupies the space behind the Toadal Fitness building on the corner of Lincoln and Cedar Streets and will grow to include the space behind the University Town Center, up to Cathcart Street. One of our new services is our “veggie valet” program which is a free service for customers of the market. Veggie Valet is located at the Information Booth and has easy street/car access where anyone can check in their shopping bags, continue shopping or go retrieve their vehicle and pull up and get their food. The pick-up spot is in the driveway of row 1 and is easy to find….look for the green Veggie Valet cones! This new service makes it easier to drive into downtown and shop at the farmers’ market. Of the five markets in the SCCFM family – which include the Westside, Live Oak, Scotts Valley and Felton Markets – the Downtown Market is the oldest sibling, having been born as Santa Cruz was recovering from the 1989 earthquake. Then, as now, the community has roundly evinced its ongoing support of the SCCFM’s mission and its promotion of local business. The market represents the best in local organic produce, nuts, dried fruit, honey, dates, nursery starts, potted plants, avocados, central valley fruit, central coast organic strawberries, organic fresh cut flowers, pasture raised meats and eggs, artisan food vendors, cook-to-order cuisine, specialty bakeries, coffee vendors, artisan tofu and soy producers, amazing sorbets, raw-vegan foods and more. A cornucopia of stimulus…..the Santa Cruz market is an experience not to miss!
Owners Name:  n/a
Contact Email:  Contact Member
Contact Phone:  (831) 454-0566
Contact Fax:  n/a
Street Address:  P.O. Box 8189
City:  Santa Cruz
County:  Santa Cruz
US Zipcode:  95061
State (if in U.S.):  CA
Country:  United States
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Joined Site:  January 12, 2011
Homepage Hits:  698
Reviewed Listings:  California (0 Reviews)
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