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Product Suppliers > Names beginning O > Oakland farmers market
Oakland farmers market
Our Locale
Locale ID:  CA9352
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Business Detailed:  Certified Farmers' Markets are instrumental in preserving the diversity of California agriculture by providing marketing outlets for the small acreage growers of heirloom, culinary, ethnic, organic, no pesticide, and other specialty crops not widely grown on a large scale or found at traditional food sources. It's also refreshing to know that one is buying food directly from the producer of that product, something required at a "Certified" farmers' market. Notice the "Growers Certificate" visibly hanging at the farmer's stand. This certificate is issued by the County Agriculture Commissioner authorizing them to sell only the certain crops listed and grown by them. The interaction between you and the farmer is also a nice value in visiting the farmers' market. Another good reason to come out and enjoy the weekly Farmers' Markets is to eat and cook "seasonally". One begins to appreciate the magic of cooking with the season while shopping "fresh". Shopping for fresh, seasonal produce brings out inspiration, imagination, and creativity in a cook.
Owners Name:  n/a
Contact Email:  n/a
Contact Phone:  n/a
Contact Fax:  n/a
Street Address:  Ninth Street
City:  Oakland
County:  Alameda
US Zipcode:  n/a
State (if in U.S.):  CA
Country:  United States
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Joined Site:  January 9, 2011
Homepage Hits:  779
Reviewed Listings:  California (0 Reviews)
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