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Product Suppliers > Names beginning N > Napa Valley: Napa Downtown farmers market
Napa Valley: Napa Downtown farmers market
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Locale ID:  CA9348
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Business Detailed:  Fruit and vegetables are always in season at the Napa downtown farmers market. On Tuesday and Saturday, the parking lot for the Napa wine train transforms into a market for local farmers and vendors. If you’re planning on attending, make sure to get there early, as the first buyers arrive at 7:30 am and the show concludes at noon. A favorite among all of the Napa Valley farmers markets, this downtown option showcases a variety of local vendors, from olive oil producers to tea specialists and chocolate makers. This is all available alongside the fresh Napa Valley food, including in-season fruits and vegetables. A trip to the market will hint at what you’ll find on your plate at the great downtown Napa restaurants, as many chefs prepare their cuisine with in-season local produce. If you have a morning sweet tooth, then the Napa downtown farmers market won’t disappoint. Local bakeries have set up shop with fresh pastries to sample while you stroll through the market. Whether you are buying flowers or wild mushrooms, take the time to talk to the vendors. They can help bring Napa Valley food to life in suggesting different preparations for cooking their produce. These experts have helped many visitors to the market make the best of their purchases. A highlight of Napa Valley Farmers Markets is always the jam and preserves. Made from local ingredients, these sweet jars make great gifts and are easy items to transport home. The local flavor, range of items for sale, and interesting vendors make this a great way to start your day in downtown Napa.
Owners Name:  n/a
Contact Email:  n/a
Contact Phone:  (707) 252-7142
Contact Fax:  n/a
Street Address:  PO Box 5180
City:  Napa
County:  n/a
US Zipcode:  94581
State (if in U.S.):  CA
Country:  United States
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Joined Site:  January 8, 2011
Homepage Hits:  982
Reviewed Listings:  California (0 Reviews)
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