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Product Suppliers > Names beginning G > Greenbelt Farmer’s Market
Greenbelt Farmer’s Market
Our Locale
Locale ID:  MD9022
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Business Detailed:  Located on the west parking lot at Roosevelt Center in Old Greenbelt, MD, on Sunday mornings from Mother's Day through Thanksgiving (excluding Labor Day weekend), the Greenbelt Farmer‟s Market is a producer-only market emphasizing locally grown produce and other foods. The market is a 501(c)3 non-profit and a Maryland Charity; it is supported in part by grants from the Greenbelt Community Foundation and the Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission. Greenbelt Farmers' Market (GFM) provides a venue for farmers and other vendors to bring fresh, nutritious, high-quality food grown or produced in the region to Greenbelt, Maryland and neighboring communities. Greenbelt is an affluent and socially progressive town that includes over 1800 households within very easy walking distance of our downtown shopping district. Our Sunday morning market provides a bustling, friendly central setting for shopping and socializing, and allows participants to grow healthy relationships with residents, who are clamoring for more local, sustainably produced foods. Participation in GFM also gives farmers and other vendors a unique opportunity to develop a business relationship with the Greenbelt Co-op Supermarket & Pharmacy (Co-op), our locally owned grocery store. The Co-op is interested in bringing more local foods into their store, so a Sunday morning trip to Greenbelt could result in farmers market sales and also weekly deliveries to the Co-op. Our local cafe, New Deal Cafe, has also purchased food from our vendors. This is a unique and valuable opportunity for a farm to grow its business in two ways at once.
Owners Name:  Kim Rush
Contact Email:  Contact Member
Contact Phone:  (240) 476-8769
Contact Fax:  n/a
Street Address:  P.O. Box 613
City:  Greenbelt
County:  Prince George‟s
US Zipcode:  20768
State (if in U.S.):  MD
Country:  United States
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Joined Site:  December 2, 2010
Homepage Hits:  926
Reviewed Listings:  Maryland (0 Reviews)
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