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Benovia Winery
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Locale ID:  CA5784
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Business Detailed:  About Benovia Ben Dewane and Novian Anderson never met, yet they raised their children with similar old-fashioned values. Hard work brings its own rewards, they would say. Be the best at what you do. Surround yourself with good people, and let them get to work. And never, ever produce anything that wouldn't make you proud. With such similar family backgrounds, it's no wonder Joe Anderson and Mary Dewane would eventually find each other and marry. Together, they began a journey that led them to found a winery that would make them, and their fathers, proud--proud enough that their label pays homage to the two men, Benovia. Their journey also inspired them to assemble the best possible team of respected winemaking veterans. They recruited Bob Mosby as general manager and found the perfect partner in Mike Sullivan, one of northern California's top winemakers, and someone who shares their passions. With Mike as coowner and responsible for the wine making, they recruited Daniel Roberts as winegrower and viticulturalist, and Tucker Catlin as vineyard development director. Then they brought on Tina Alves as operations manager, Chris Kangas as vineyards manager, and Nick Finarelli as Enologist to bring even more depth to the winery's operations. They are good people, and together they make an even better team: a team of accomplished professionals with more than 150 years of collective experience producing some of California's best wines. "At Benovia, our team is an extension of an extraordinary family," says Joe, "a family that eats, drinks, and breathes a lifelong passion for wine." That passion led to the purchase of the renowned Cohn Vineyard atop a mountain near Healdsburg, where the couple lives, and led to a new winery in the heart of the Russian River Valley. The journey will continue with an exciting new Pinot Noir vineyard near Freestone, and the Martaella ranch (named after Joe and Mary's mothers), surrounding the winery itself. Joe and Mary have invested in all the right things to make Benovia flourish-vineyards with unique terroir and a well equipped winery. But their most important investment is people. "We see these people as the soul of Benovia," says Joe. "Mary and I trust in their passion and in what they bring to the wine. They expect a lot of themselves, and they expect it from each other. We like to call them 'Benovians.' I think our fathers would be proud of them.
Owners Name:  n/a
Contact Email:  Contact Member
Contact Phone:  (707) 526-4441
Contact Fax:  n/a
Street Address:  3339 Hartman Road
City:  Santa Rosa
County:  Sonoma
US Zipcode:  95401
State (if in U.S.):  CA
Country:  United States
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Joined Site:  November 1, 2010
Homepage Hits:  604
Reviewed Listings:  California (0 Reviews)
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