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Product Suppliers > Names beginning B > Bella Luna Winery
Bella Luna Winery
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Locale ID:  CA5777
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Business Detailed:  Some would say "Bella Luna Winery" started some 38 or so years ago in the hearts and minds of its founders, Kevin Healey and Sherman Smoot. Kevin just returned from honorably serving his country in Viet Nam and Sherm was training as a Navy fighter pilot preparing to go to Viet Nam. Having grown up together as best friends in the, now, Paso Robles AVA, both developed a real passion for wine. In 1970, Kevin decided he needed a sabbatical from "civilization", so he took up residence on a large vineyard in the hills of Adelaida to, "Reflect," as he puts it. There he learned all the aspects of viticulture from a seasoned dry farmer, Mr. Mel Casteel. He developed a real love and respect for the way this immigrant nurtured his head-pruned vineyard. He spent about 10 years there honing his skills as an organic viticulturist. This is where Kevin also started as a winemaker. He would make table wines, fruit wines, desert wines - Just about anything worth fermenting, Kevin was compelled to master. Later, Kevin was offered a position with family owned Pesenti Vineyard and Winery. There he gained more knowledge regarding the head-training and maintenance of mature Zinfandel vines from one of the founders of Pesenti Winery, patriarch Frank Pesenti. While working there, he developed a long-lasting friendship with Frank Nerelli, Pesenti's winemaker. As their mutual respect grew, they worked closely marrying vineyard and winery techniques, producing some of the most sought after, award winning, wines in California - All coming from dry farmed, head trained vines! Kevin worked as Pesenti's vineyard manager for some 19 years until the winery was sold in 2000. Now, Kevin devotes most of his time to Bella Luna Winery and the estate vineyard. He continues to be one of the most sought after consultants specializing in the art of dry farm viticulture.
Owners Name:  n/a
Contact Email:  Contact Member
Contact Phone:  (605) 434-5477
Contact Fax:  (805) 434-5479
Street Address:  1850 Templeton Rd.
City:  Templeton
County:  San Luis Obispo
US Zipcode:  93465
State (if in U.S.):  CA
Country:  United States
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Joined Site:  October 28, 2010
Homepage Hits:  608
Reviewed Listings:  California (0 Reviews)
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