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Product Suppliers > Names beginning B > Bacigalupi Vineyards
Bacigalupi Vineyards
Our Locale
Locale ID:  CA5744
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Business Detailed:  Our mission at John Tyler Wines is to continue the heritage of two world class wine and grape growing families in Sonoma County. Both the Bacigalupi and Heck families have contributed to the advancement of the California wine industry, helping it to become a leader in fine wine production. The two families have both received critical acclaim, the Bacigalupi’s for providing some of the chardonnay fruit to Chateau Montelena to win the coveted Paris tasting and the Heck family for becoming a leader in the California Champagne industry. With more than 100 years of combined experience in the wine industry the two families have come together to create a private label, John Tyler Wines. John Tyler Wines is the end result of the John Bacigalupi’s fruit and Tyler Heck’s passion for winemaking. With now 3 generations involved we hope to continue both of these families’ great legacies by producing unforgettable small lot wines under the John Tyler label.
Owners Name:  John C. Bacigalupi
Contact Email:  n/a
Contact Phone:  (707) 433-3038
Contact Fax:  n/a
Street Address:  4151 Westside Rd.
City:  Healdsburg
County:  Sonoma
US Zipcode:  95448
State (if in U.S.):  CA
Country:  United States
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Joined Site:  October 14, 2010
Homepage Hits:  695
Reviewed Listings:  California (0 Reviews)
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