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Arciero Winery
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Locale ID:  CA5713
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Business Detailed:  Nearly every man achieves a certain degree of success in a lifetime. Success for the Arciero family has been one of those great “rags to riches” stories with a lot of hard work and determination between the hard times and the good times. Frank and Phil Arciero came to this country from Italy in 1939. Frank was fourteen; Phil was ten; neither of them spoke a word of English. They first settled in Detroit, Michigan; Frank working as a manual laborer digging ditches while Phil attended school. Their father, Giovanni, had come to the U.S.A. in 1914, but the family remained in Saint Elia Fiumerapido, 129 kilometers south of Rome, until the father was able to relocate them to America: the oldest brother Mike in 1937, Frank and Phil in 1939, the youngest brother Anthony and mother Cristina in 1948. By 1948, Frank and Phil had moved to California, worked initially as laborers, then began a small cement contracting business. It was the success of this business that was to be the catalyst for all of the future Arciero business activities. The Arciero family has, for generations, always had close ties to the land...pressing olives for oil and grapes for wine in their native Italy. The completion of the family winery and Estate Vineyards in Paso Robles, California is a family dream and tradition come true. At the Arciero Winery, those unique factors of quality vineyards, skillful winemaking, and experienced, dedicated leadership are collectively proving that an independent winery can not only survive, but also grow and prosper in today’s competitive environment.
Owners Name:  n/a
Contact Email:  n/a
Contact Phone:  (805) 239-2562
Contact Fax:  (805) 239-2317
Street Address:  5625 Hwy 46 East
City:  Paso Robles
County:  San Luis Obispo
US Zipcode:  93447
State (if in U.S.):  CA
Country:  United States
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Joined Site:  October 1, 2010
Homepage Hits:  608
Reviewed Listings:  California (0 Reviews)
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