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Product Suppliers > Names beginning A > Alphawolf Vineyard & Olive Ranch
Alphawolf Vineyard & Olive Ranch
Our Locale
Locale ID:  CA5691
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Business Detailed:  We are Bill & Roxanne Wolf, Napa Valley growers of world class red wine grapes and Italian varietal olives for oil. We are also Wine Institute Educational Trust trained wine tasters, wine grape and olive growers, artist, culinary professional and owners of the Eagle Eye wine brand and AlphaWOLF Vineyard & Olive Ranch. The Eagle Eye brand was created to make small quantities of high quality wine from the Napa Valley that we are able to blend, with our winemaker, to create fruit forward, approachable young blends that are affordable and age worthy. We want the consumer to count upon and recognize the Eagle Eye brand as great wine for a great price. Roxanne has a strong sales and marketing background coming from her 25+ years as a real estate broker. During those years she refined her painting style. In 1998 she chose to start painting full time. Her style of painting moved from hard edge to whimsical. She then added nature and wine to her bold, colorful style. Her use of bright colors and her trademark of eagle heads on human bodies led us to develop our Eagle Eye wine brand where we have used a different one of her paintings for each wine varietal we make. She not only paints, but she also designs all of our labels for our wine and olive oil lines. Bill has worked for 30+ years in the food service industry. He was trained and worked as a chef in his early years and progressed to Vice President of operations when he left the ARAmark Corp. in 1996. "My father taught me organic farming as a youngster in a small community outside of Pittsburgh PA. My passion for food and wine and my desire to grow led me to my dream of growing grapes and olives and making them into wine and oil. In 1999 we purchased our ranch and have been working on our dreams to come true ever since." We call our 13 acre ranch AlphaWOLF Vineyard & Olive Ranch. We grow Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Petit Verdot and Malbec. Our first release of AlphaWOLF Estate wine will be in a few years in limited editions. Our AlphaWOLF Estate Extra Virgin Olive Oil is grown from Tuscan Varietal olives, is certified "Extra Virgin" by the California Olive Oil Council and bears the seal.
Owners Name:  n/a
Contact Email:  Contact Member
Contact Phone:  (707) 427-1600
Contact Fax:  n/a
Street Address:  6595 Gordon Valley Rd.
City:  Napa
County:  Napa
US Zipcode:  94558
State (if in U.S.):  CA
Country:  United States
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Joined Site:  September 21, 2010
Homepage Hits:  964
Reviewed Listings:  California (0 Reviews)
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