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Product Suppliers > Names beginning A > Alexander Valley Cellars
Alexander Valley Cellars
Our Locale
Locale ID:  CA5686
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Business Detailed:  Alexander Valley Cellars is a wine storage, transportation and distribution facility that knows how to take care of your valuable product. Whether your wine is in cases, barrels or bins, we always handle it carefully and efficiently. With more than 25 years experience in the wine industry, we are committed to providing you the best customer service, every step of the way. When you call during business hours, you will reach a courteous and professional staff member who is dedicated to finding the right solutions to meet your needs. Our goal has always been to provide excellent customer service. Our commitment to serving our customers is evident in the training we give to our office staff, our warehousemen and our truck drivers. We are a complete wine logistics company, offering climate-controlled storage of case goods, barrels and bins, along with transportation, fulfillment and compliance. Recently, we added consumer-direct shipping to our services. We are strategically located to serve the Northern California wine country, and we are convenient to major highways, local airports, and the San Francisco Bay Area seaports and airports. We are continually upgrading and improving our information management systems to improve our customer service. We are proud of the reputation we have for dependability and a willingness to go the extra mile. The trust and confidence of our clients is the foundation of our success, and it has allowed us to grow steadily since our founding in 1985. We now have the capacity to store 1.5 million cases of wine, in more than six acres of climate-controlled, secure warehouses.
Owners Name:  Meritt Dahlgren
Contact Email:  Contact Member
Contact Phone:  (707) 541-7252
Contact Fax:  (707) 541-7254
Street Address:  551 Aviation Blvd
City:  Santa Rosa
County:  Sonoma
US Zipcode:  95407
State (if in U.S.):  CA
Country:  United States
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Joined Site:  September 21, 2010
Homepage Hits:  736
Reviewed Listings:  California (0 Reviews)
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