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Flavor Acres
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Locale ID:  MN5200
Homepage URL:  n/a
Business Detailed:  We have a wide variety of vegetables available. No herbicides or pesticides used on the gardens in twenty years. Am not certified organic but was one of original developers of the organic laws of Minnesota. We raise the conventional and heirloom types of vegetables. Will have some fruits and berries as they come into production. Many new plantings. As I am retired, I will consider trading your labor for vegetables. We sell to a local coop and have several regular buyers. You can buy in with a CSA arrangement if desired. On the farm pickup (discounted price) and local delivery available (flat delivery charge added.) Located 4 miles Southwest of Lake Crystal MN. I will provide all the land, seeds, compost, tools and tractor. They will be grown organically without harmful pesticides and herbicides. Members can buy shares in the harvest by non-refundable deposit, for what ever amount they can afford or whatever they think they will use for the coming season. Deposits end June 15th in 2008 and February 15th in years thereafter. For that deposit I will add an additional 10%. So if you were to deposit $100, you will have a credit of $110 to apply to buying vegetables or fruits of your choosing. The pricing of the produce will follow what local stores are charging plus 20% for organic. I can use the market report for the Midwest from the USDA, For instance, as of today, non organic asparagus is selling for an weighted average of $2.63 per pound This data comes from 437 stores throughout the Midwest and was compiled from their ads. Keep in mind that these ads usually promote their specials. So in this case I would be charging $2.63 +20 % for a total of $3.16. Some specialty items could be higher. Off of this price I will deduct 15% for “on the farm” pickup and another 10% for the doing your own harvesting. You can clean your produce here. So for the above asparagus you would have $3.16 per pound less 15% for picking it up and 10% for cleaning it giving you a total of $2.42 As for helping with the weeding and planting etc, I will credit your account with $15 dollars for every adult hour you work and 2 kids (over 12 yrs) working one hour would equal one adult hour. Parents must be with the children.
Owners Name:  Don Pawlitschek
Contact Email:  n/a
Contact Phone:  (507) 546-3448
Contact Fax:  n/a
Street Address:  18014 499th Ave
City:  Lake Crystal
County:  n/a
US Zipcode:  56055
State (if in U.S.):  MN
Country:  United States
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Joined Site:  August 25, 2010
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Reviewed Listings:  Minnesota (0 Reviews)
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