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Rosita's Farm
Our Locale
Locale ID:  AL5076
Homepage URL:  n/a
Business Detailed:  Formally know as Sand Mtn. CSA , we have bought our own farm and have renamed ourselves Rusl "N" Doves Farm we have 15 acres on;y 2 in vegetable productioin now. We will continue to be Certified Naturally Grown, still using sustainable, biodynamic methods to provide quality nutritious food to our CSA members in Albertville, Geraldine area of SAnd Mtn. we still participate in the Madison City Farmers Market . We manage and grow for the Clean Food Network. A group of 17 farms so far that are offering on line sales of meats, eggs, vegetables and value added products with weekly delivery to local pick up points in Madison and Huntsville area. We use and grow out seeds from our seed bank ( Sand Mountain Seed Bank) we co-founded with Charlotte Hagood, which includes southern heirloom flower and vegetable seeds that have been grown here regionally some for a 100 years or more. Some have been de-hybridized and acclimatized to this region. Many of these varieties are included in the CSA bags, and you will not find these vegetables or seeds anywhere else. Some of these vegetables are featured at our yearly fundraiser, held in the fall for the Sand Mountain Seed Bank. (The Sand Mountain Heritage Dinner) which features all locally grown food prepared by local people. The area winery provides a wine tasting and a very good old time music band plays local favorites and a good time is had by all. We have opportunites for interns to participate in the production garden and seed saving gardens. We have our fingers in a few things because we want to provide opportunities for other farmers and connect the area communities with area farmers. Excersising your right to have a choice in the food you eat and know how it is grown is the first step in keeping your food source secure..
Owners Name:  Dove Stackhouse
Contact Email:  n/a
Contact Phone:  256 659 1315
Contact Fax:  n/a
Street Address:  189 Co. Rd. 9060
City:  Geraldine
County:  n/a
US Zipcode:  35974
State (if in U.S.):  AL
Country:  United States
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Joined Site:  June 24, 2010
Homepage Hits:  0
Reviewed Listings:  Alabama (0 Reviews)
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