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* Locale - noun [loh-kal] A place or locality, including the events, people, food & wine associated with it.
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Edible Jersey
Our Locale
Locale ID:  NJ6000
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Business Detailed:  Edible Jersey is a quarterly magazine that celebrates the local, seasonal food of the Garden State. Brimming with engaging stories and enticing photography, Edible Jersey tells the story of food, from source to table, spotlighting the growers, producers, fishermen, retailers, chefs, home cooks, and others who energize our culinary community. With engaging stories and enticing photography, Edible Jersey magazine and website hope to transform the way New Jersey residents shop for, cook, eat, and enjoy food. We'll celebrate the state's diverse culinary landscape, from urban to rural, mountain to shore. From a tenth generation family farm in Oldwick to a blueberry festival in Hammonton… from clamming in Cape May to the food co-ops springing up statewide… We'll introduce our food-literate, savvy readers to New Jersey's colorful cuisine… and its heritage, tradition, culture, and challenges. What does it mean for your business? As part of Edible Communities, a national network of regional publications, Edible Jersey offers advertisers an extremely valuable audience. Edible readers nationwide are identified as consumers that recognize and support local businesses. We invite you to join us as we help readers taste the true flavor of our region — and better appreciate the value that comes from sitting down at the table together.
Owners Name:  Nancy Painter
Contact Email:  Contact Member
Contact Phone:  (973) 763-6691
Contact Fax:  n/a
Street Address:  P.O. Box 279
City:  Maplewood
County:  n/a
US Zipcode:  7040
State (if in U.S.):  NJ
Country:  United States
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Joined Site:  June 16, 2010
Homepage Hits:  728
Reviewed Listings:  New Jersey (0 Reviews)
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