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15 Miles Farm
Our Locale
Locale ID:  OR5130
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Business Detailed:  By joining our CSA membership you support the farm early in the year and receive a weekly harvest box or share for the season. You become a member of the farm! Our mission is to provide a wide variety of unique, rare, and delicious produce to Portland year round using methods that aim to leave the soil better than we found it. We thoughtfully select crop varieties and construct field plans that allow us to offer both staple items as well as something new and different. We're not afraid to go out on a limb and experiment with unexpected crops. In addition to our produce, we're excited to begin our offering of organic cultivated shiitake and oyster mushrooms to our CSA members. What's in the weekly harvest box? Each week for 25 weeks you will receive a balanced share of seasonal produce grown on our farm. The Whole Share and Half Share receive the same crops, simply in different quantities. Our goal is to provide you with enough variety to make beautiful meals for a week. You can also purchase additional shares of eggs, flowers, salad and mushrooms . We grow mostly heirloom vegetables on a small scale focusing on quality old standby varieties you won't find at the store. Our produce is picked the same day it goes to market, hardly passing through a refrigerator (just misted and kept cool) before making it right off the plant to your table. We're proud to plan for a large part of our harvest as a donation to The Oregon Food Bank. We are part of the tiny farm movement which is based on producing small scale and close to market. 15 Miles Farm is a market garden where machines do not come between the farmer and the food. Situated on large piece of land, our plot is two acres that are given the utmost of attention.
Owners Name:  Maia Engel
Contact Email:  Contact Member
Contact Phone:  (503) 867-1393
Contact Fax:  n/a
Street Address:  3300 NE 70th Ave
City:  Portland
County:  Multnomah
US Zipcode:  97213
State (if in U.S.):  OR
Country:  United States
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Joined Site:  May 10, 2010
Homepage Hits:  965
Reviewed Listings:  Oregon (0 Reviews)
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