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Product Suppliers > Names beginning N > North Country Farms
North Country Farms
Our Locale
Locale ID:  HI5020
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Business Detailed:  North Country Farms is an organic family farm, with two tropical bed & breakfast cottages for the intrepid traveler, interested in experiencing the eco-tourism aspect of Kauai, the Garden Island. We feel proud to be the stewards of this 4 acre piece of paradise. Living and working this land provides our family with a quality of lifestyle that is irreplaceable. We grow 3 acres of organic produce year-round -- a market garden of diverse vegetables and an orchard with 100+ fruit trees. Our produce is sold directly to 50-60 families weekly. It is a really rewarding endeavor to be able to provide fresh organic food for the tables of so many people in the community. We do believe in activism by lifestyle. Members pick up their shares weekly, without actually paying a "share" as in a traditional CSA. Rather, we have customers who are committed to their weekly orders, but pay each time they pick up based on the contents of their bag, rather than seasonally. P.O.Box 723 Kliauea, HI 96754
Owners Name:  Lee Roversi
Contact Email:  Contact Member
Contact Phone:  (808) 828-1513
Contact Fax:  n/a
Street Address:  4387 Kahili Makai Street
City:  Kilauea
County:  Hawaii
US Zipcode:  96754
State (if in U.S.):  HI
Country:  United States
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Joined Site:  May 9, 2010
Homepage Hits:  1260
Reviewed Listings:  Hawaii (1 Review)
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