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Waihuena Farm
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  About the Farm Farm News Calendar CSA Farm Baskets Volunteering Vacation Rentals
Locale ID:  HI9002
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Business Detailed:  Aloha, Waihuena Farm is a very special three acre lot on beautiful North Shore Oahu just across the street from Pipeline. While we have big dreams for the farm, including becoming a co-op & hosting ecological living and permaculture workshops etc, we are focusing on a $25 weekly share CSA program. We are working with other farmers to offer a wide variety of YUM! The farm also has lodging available and we hope to create a true agtourism destination for visitors and kamaaina alike. coming soon! working on building a real community around the farm. trying to be flexible and accommodating, consistent yet interesting. our baskets will include cooking greens- chard, kale, pak choi, etc herbs- basil, parsley, cilantro, oregano, olena/ turmeric, etc veggies- eggplant, okra, daikon, wing bean, pumpkin, tomato, etc salad greens- lettuce mixes, flowers, sprouts, etc fruits- bananas, papayas, avos, starfruit, watermelon, etc citrus- lemons, limes, tangerine, grapefruit, etc starches- kalo, chayote, ulu/breadfruit, uala/sweet potato, etc value added goods- baked goods, pesto, kombucha, etc eggs coming soon!
Owners Name:  Meleana Judd
Contact Email:  Contact Member
Contact Phone:  (808) 551-8132
Contact Fax:  n/a
Street Address:  59-414 kamehameha hwy.
City:  Haleiwa
County:  Honolulu
US Zipcode:  96712
State (if in U.S.):  HI
Country:  United States
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Joined Site:  May 9, 2010
Homepage Hits:  1845
Reviewed Listings:  Hawaii (1 Review)
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