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Product Suppliers > Names beginning M > Mountain Bounty Farm
Mountain Bounty Farm
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Locale ID:  CA5618
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Business Detailed:  Mountain Bounty Farm is a 10-acre family farm located high on the forested contours of the San Juan Ridge near Nevada City, CA. Through careful management, we achieve surprising yields of exceptional quality produce, including many heritage breeds. 2010 is our 13th season. John, Angie, and our crew of 5 interns are passionate about farming, cooking and eating good food. We are committed to creating a bountiful, diverse, and delicious harvest to share with our CSA members. Receive a generous variety of our finest produce, grown using organic practices and delivered weekly to five locations around Nevada County. Each weeks delivery yields its own unique harvest, picked fresh that day. We put tremendous care and skill into growing superb produce for you, including over 250 varieties of vegetables and herbs plus some absolutely luscious melons. Over the course of the 24 week season, the amount and variety of produce increases. On average you will receive enough produce to fill a large grocery bag full of your favorite staple veggies, plus a healthy portion of the exotic and unusual. We also provide a weekly newsletter with recipes, nutritional information, and farm news. Our fruit share is 5-7 lbs or 2/3-1 flat of fruit per week in the summer and a 10# bag of citrus in the winter.
Owners Name:  John Tecklin
Contact Email:  Contact Member
Contact Phone:  (530) 292-3776
Contact Fax:  n/a
Street Address:  14579 Blind Shady Rd.
City:  Nevada
County:  Nevada
US Zipcode:  95959
State (if in U.S.):  CA
Country:  United States
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Joined Site:  April 28, 2010
Homepage Hits:  1080
Reviewed Listings:  California (0 Reviews)
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