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Product Suppliers > Names beginning K > Kline Organic Produce
Kline Organic Produce
Our Locale
Locale ID:  CA5603
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Business Detailed:  Kline Organic Produce is a four acre CCOF certified organic vegetable farm growing seasonal vegies in Waterford, CA. Our sustainable practices include, composting, cover cropping, heirloom and open pollinated seed saving, integrated pest management, drip irrigation, and a lot of hand weeding. We offer our produce at the Modesto Certified Farmers Market and the Sonora Farmers Market May through November. We also offer a CSA with a great variety of our vegetables and fruit from a local sustainably farmed fruit orchard. The CSA is offered May through November. Our goal is to continue to grow sustainable fruits and vegies with organic methods, local distribution, and offer a fun and rewarding place to work. After one year of trial with one size vegetable and fruit share, we have decided to offer a little more flexibility. We now offer three separate vegie and fruit sizes allowing you to create a box size that works for you. Our CSA did not repeat the selection for a single consecutive week in our first year. We hope to continue to offer a fine selection of vegies and fruit, recipies, and field days for our customers! Some say it's the highlight of their week, opening the box!
Owners Name:  Brian Kline
Contact Email:  Contact Member
Contact Phone:  (209 )605- 4247
Contact Fax:  n/a
Street Address:  12142 Lone Oak Rd
City:  Waterford
County:  Stanislaus
US Zipcode:  95386
State (if in U.S.):  CA
Country:  United States
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Joined Site:  April 26, 2010
Homepage Hits:  787
Reviewed Listings:  California (0 Reviews)
Locale Products:  Summer Squash (Locale Brand) in California
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