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Product Suppliers > Names beginning G > Grass-Fed Meats
Grass-Fed Meats
Our Locale
Locale ID:  CA5587
Homepage URL:  n/a
Business Detailed:  We are a small scale country farm, providing a healthy altenative to mass produced meats with grassfed/pastured meats. We are operating on a rotational pasture system allowing for our meats to be available on a year round basis. We currently have beef, and goat meat available, and our chicken broilers will be available soon. Call and get on the waiting list. Call when ready to order or come by the farm with a scheduled appointment and we at that time will set you up with your cuts of meat and how much, etc. We are on a small scale farm, raising grass fed/pastured: beef, chicken and goat meat. We have irrigated pasture with the finest and healthiest legumes and grasses for our animals to eat. After reading and educated ourselves about grass fed meats we decided to make good use of our pasture. Our animals are on a rotational, healthy schedule on the pasture. We are currently raising registered Angus cows, some White-faced cows, registered Boar goats, and chicken broilers along with some laying hens. We continue to add to our pasture by cultivating in healthy grasses and legumes to assure the health of our animals, which in intern provides for healthy vitamin/protein enriched meat. In the future we intend to open our farm to schools and the like to help better educate the public on the importance of getting back to the farm.
Owners Name:  Rob and Candy White
Contact Email:  Contact Member
Contact Phone:  (209) 852-9722
Contact Fax:  n/a
Street Address:  8191 Milpitas Rd
City:  La Grange
County:  Stanislaus
US Zipcode:  95329
State (if in U.S.):  CA
Country:  United States
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Joined Site:  April 23, 2010
Homepage Hits:  0
Reviewed Listings:  California (0 Reviews)
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