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Fogline Farm
Our Locale
Locale ID:  CA5575
Homepage URL:  n/a
Business Detailed:  Fogline Farm is a small, diversified farm located in the Santa Cruz Mountains just above the town of Soquel, CA that grows a wide variety of fresh fruits, vegetables and pasture raised meats particularly suited for our climate and soils. By working with our own unique terrior, we produce our food without intensive inputs and strive to use the ecology of our farm to help us build and maintain healthy soil, manage our pests, and limit our footprint. We believe that this translates into the freshest, most nutritious fruits, vegetables and meats available. Our Orchards And Vineyards- We, along with our partner Manildi Orchards and Vineyards, grow heritage variety apples, french butter pears, old-timey peaches (the kinds that don't stack and ship), plums, apricots, citrus, avocados, and figs. Our baskets include 10-15 items each week, offering what ever is fresh and seasonal, harvested in the morning and available to you that same day. We will include veggies, meats and eggs depending on what is available. For example, one summer basket could contain a 4lb fresh chicken, a few pounds of tomatoes, some peppers, salad mix or a head of lettuce, sweet corn, summer squash, fresh shelling beans, carrots or beets, and either chard, kale, collards or spinach. If we include meat one week, we will put in less veggies, and if there is no meat we will stock you up with veggies!
Owners Name:  Jonathan Wilson
Contact Email:  n/a
Contact Phone:  (831)345-7020
Contact Fax:  n/a
Street Address:  630 34th Ave
City:  Santa Cruz
County:  Santa Cruz
US Zipcode:  95062
State (if in U.S.):  CA
Country:  United States
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Joined Site:  April 19, 2010
Homepage Hits:  0
Reviewed Listings:  California (0 Reviews)
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