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Product Suppliers > Names beginning W > Willow Pond Organic Farm
Willow Pond Organic Farm
Our Locale
Locale ID:  CA9262
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Business Detailed:  Willow Pond Organic Farm is a beautiful rural 38-acre organic farm located just 2 miles from downtown Placerville, CA (Hwy 50). We grow a huge variety of vegetables that are mostly heirloom and chosen with taste as the #1 priority. We also have 8 varieties of apples, lots of stone fruits, figs, honey, cut flowers, herbs and several kinds of dog biscuits we freely give out to hungry dogs. In the fall we have U-pick apples, a large pumpkin patch with many unusual varieties of very cool pumpkins, and lots of winter squash. Our market stand is located right on the edge of the vegetable fields and next to our wildlife pond. It is a really beautiful, peaceful, and soothing place to visit or shop. We know many people are put off by the high prices of organic produce in the grocery stores. You will be pleasantly surprised to find that we charge much lower prices for much higher quality and more variety. When you shop with us, there are no middlemen, no shipping costs, no distributor or storage costs. Buying directly from the farmer straight out of the fields/orchards means lower prices for fresh organic food. Additionally, we frequently have “Specials” when there is a bumper crop of something. We are happy to pass on our bountiful good fortune to you in the way of even better prices
Owners Name:  Sherrie Zirkle
Contact Email:  Contact Member
Contact Phone:  (530) 295-8090
Contact Fax:  n/a
Street Address:  2731 Jacquier Road
City:  Placerville
County:  El Dorado
US Zipcode:  95667
State (if in U.S.):  CA
Country:  United States
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Joined Site:  April 12, 2010
Homepage Hits:  708
Reviewed Listings:  California (0 Reviews)
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