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Product Suppliers > Names beginning L > Lindencroft Farm
Lindencroft Farm
Our Locale
Locale ID:  CA9251
Homepage URL:  n/a
Business Detailed:  Because our membership is held at a maximum of 30 we are able to give personal attention to our members, noting preferences and accommodating special needs. We are able to add from time to time, value added items such as fire roasted peppers, smoked tomatoes and dried peppers, including chipotle. We are a family run farm producing naturally grown, seasonal vegetables and fruits. We run a small CSA and provide our subscribers with vegetables, herbs, and fruit. We also offer an egg option. We currently have about one acre in production, growing entirely in special raised beds. Why are they special? We excavate a full 3 feet of our native very sandy soil for each bed, line the bed with steel hardware cloth, and refill with a mix of organic compost, aged and composted horse manure, and native soil. Then we surround the bed with a traditional redwood frame. From that point on, these beds will never be tilled, compacted, or otherwise disturbed by machines or feet. They are refreshed between seasons with cover crops and natural organic compost. We use drip irrigation exclusively, and have extensive native flowering hedgerows to provide healthy habitat for beneficial insects and birds. The entire farm site is surrounded by redwood forest and oak meadowland, teaming with wildlife. Our philosophy of farming is to gently coax the best produce from our beds by creating as natural an environment as we can. Each year, the farm is healthier, more robust, and more beautiful than the last. We start nearly everything from seed. Since our goal is to serve only our local community, we wait to harvest until the food is fully ripe and ready to eat. We grow year-round, striving to make available a full range of delicious and healthy food, rather than specializing in a just a few crops at a time. We believe modern agriculture in this county has moved its focus from flavor and nutrition to yields, transportability, and profits. But, in fact, yields in a well-run sustainable organic farm are excellent, resulting in a potential for a reasonable, if small, profit. Transportability is a non-issue by selling locally. Thus we feel we are doing our part to cut down on wasted energy and green house gases. We’ve mentioned that we are CCOF certified. What does that mean? The California Certified Organic Farmers Association is the largest certifying organization for organic food in the world. It also has the toughest standards.
Owners Name:  Linda and Steven Butler
Contact Email:  Contact Member
Contact Phone:  (831) 206-7126
Contact Fax:  n/a
Street Address:  900 Pedro Ave
City:  Ben Lomond
County:  Santa Cruz
US Zipcode:  95005
State (if in U.S.):  CA
Country:  United States
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Joined Site:  April 7, 2010
Homepage Hits:  508
Reviewed Listings:  California (0 Reviews)
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