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Product Suppliers > Names beginning M > Monterey County Wines
Monterey County Wines
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Locale ID:  CA6477
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Business Detailed:  All wines would come from Monterey Wine Country, if they could... Like guests at a vast coastal spa, our grapes luxuriate in just-right conditions. Superb soils. Warm sunshine. Cool ocean breezes. Slow and leisurely ripening - up to 60 days longer than other wine growing regions. Complex and balanced, our pampered wines always express their full potential. Classy Chardonnay and Riesling. Elegant Pinot Noir and Merlot. Rich Cabernet and Syrah. Say yes! to Monterey, the origin of great taste. It is no accident that wines listing Monterey County on the label as their source are among the world’s finest. In very few places will you find such an optimum synthesis of location, soil, and climate - the raw materials necessary to every successful vineyard. It is impossible for even the most talented, experienced vintner to craft a truly great wine without first having truly great grapes to work with. Whether hailing from Bordeaux, Burgundy, Australia, or California, the one common theme in every world-class wine is their “sense of place.” The French term this reflection of locale “terroir, ” literally “ground or soil.” Simply put, it means that the wine’s character speaks directly to the place it was grown. In Monterey County, after five plus decades of commercial winegrowing, certain areas and microclimates have been identified as being uniquely suited to raising specific grapes. The Federal government officially sanctions the effort to identify truly one-of-a-kind winegrowing districts through its system of “American Viticultural Areas” or “AVAs.” When appearing on a label, these legal place names impart to the consumer important information and guarantees about the wine’s origin. By law, to use one of these official site designations, 85% of that bottle’s grapes must have been grown within the AVA’s boundaries. (use label shot with AVA highlighted, as in the first video) These American Viticultural Areas can be fairly large and broad, like “Napa Valley.” Or they can be very small in size and focus, such as our local “Chalone” AVA, encompassing only a few acres and vineyards. But for every winemaker, the very building blocks of their craft begin with where the grapes were grown. Monterey County now encompasses eight smaller AVAs, in addition to the larger, overall “Monterey” appellation. Understanding the swift rise to international prominence of the Monterey wine industry lies in a careful examination of the special properties of these distinct growing districts. How each officially designated region defines itself through its soils, climate, topography, viticultural practices, and people provides the key to “what’s in the bottle.”
Owners Name:  n/a
Contact Email:  Contact Member
Contact Phone:  n/a
Contact Fax:  n/a
Street Address:  119 East Alisal Street
City:  Salinas
County:  Monterey
US Zipcode:  93901
State (if in U.S.):  CA
Country:  United States
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Joined Site:  March 28, 2010
Homepage Hits:  605
Reviewed Listings:  California (0 Reviews)
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