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KMK Farms
Our Locale
Locale ID:  CA5495
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Business Detailed:  K.M.K. Farms is a 38 acre organic, family owned farm located in Kingsburg, Calif. We sell at local farmers markets, 2 CSA's and to local restaurants. We grow alittle of everything! 11 varieties of avocados, 8 of these varieties are thin skinned so you do not have to peel these! Really cool and they have a much better flavor than the store bought kind! We also have lots of old heirloom fruit trees. Apricot , peach, white nectarines, plums, pluots, cherries, we just planted 25 candystriped figs this year and we let our fruit ripen on the trees before picking! We grow year round vegetables. We look for the more unusal things to grow like purple cauliflower or french breakfast radish. Our little kingsburg gold cherry tomatoes have made us famous in this area, they are to die for! We have 3 dogs, 6 cats, 1 parrot, 90 chickens and a barn owl that lives in one of our avocado trees.
Owners Name:  Kyle and Michele Reynolds
Contact Email:  n/a
Contact Phone:  (559) 897-7264
Contact Fax:  n/a
Street Address:  11493 E. Stroud Ave.
City:  Kingsburg
County:  fresno
US Zipcode:  93631
State (if in U.S.):  CA
Country:  United States
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Joined Site:  March 22, 2010
Homepage Hits:  616
Reviewed Listings:  California (0 Reviews)
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