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Product Suppliers > Names beginning L > Local Mission Eatery
Local Mission Eatery
Our Locale
Locale ID:  CA8000
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Business Detailed:  3111 24th Street between Folsom and Shotwell San Francisco, CA 94110 Local is, in every way, a product of its place, local in every sense–local farmers and local tastes, local vendors and local artisans, local community and local people. All of our vegetables and fruit, all of our meat and fish, all of our dairy and eggs, all of our olive oil and rice, are sourced from the astounding bounty of California. Peek-in our windowed walk-in refrigerator and you see these beautiful products. Check-out the menu board and remember their producer’s names. Click on Farms and Friends and read their stories. From this bounty, we craft the elements of the sandwiches, soups, salads, sodas, and dinners. Our sauces, spreads, preserves, fresh cheeses, and more will be housemade. It’s about quality and transparency. It’s about real food. Our mission includes you. We hope you shop at the farmers market, bypass the supermarket, and cook from scratch: Simmer vegetables for your stock, peel tomatoes for your sauce, and roll-out dough for your crackers. We’ll help you. Ask us questions, join our cookbook library, take our cooking labs, stand at the open kitchen and observe. Finally, Local’s mission is the Mission. Even more so, it’s about 24th Street. Nearly two years ago, Yaron and his family moved to Bryant and 23rd. He fell in love with 24th St, where artists, teachers, doctors, day-laborers, and day-traders share the sidewalk, where you see Mexican murals and transgressive art, where you can watch the talent of La Palma and Dynamo Donuts hand make tortillas and donuts, and where Yaron’s son plays with his caring neighbors in fanciful parks. Local is for 24th Street.
Owners Name:  Jacob Des Voignes
Contact Email:  Contact Member
Contact Phone:  415-655-3422
Contact Fax:  n/a
Street Address:  3111 24th Street
City:  San Francisco
County:  n/a
US Zipcode:  94110
State (if in U.S.):  CA
Country:  United States
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Joined Site:  March 18, 2010
Homepage Hits:  649
Reviewed Listings:  California (0 Reviews)
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