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Lazy Lady Farm
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  Lasy Lady Farm Herd Catalog Beecher's Handmade Cheese Cheese Shares City Market New York Times Coverage
Locale ID:  VT5107
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Business Detailed:  Lazy Lady Farm is a small organic goat dairy located in the northeast kingdom of Vermont. We milk 40 registered Alpine goats on a seasonal basis. The goats kid (give birth) in early March and are milked until late December. We make the cheese in small 50 gallon batches 5 days a week. I attend one farmers market every week in the summer and every other week throughout the winter and early spring. This market is located in Montpelier. Towards the fall after the milk production begins to drop l begin to make some of my mixed milk cheeses. Come December, and into January and February I begin making cows milk cheeses with milk purchased from 2 organic neighboring farms. The cheese is ripened in a small geothermal cave located near the cheese plant. It is over l5 feet underground and maintains temperatures between 40 degrees in the winter and 55 degrees in the summer. The farm is totally off the grid. We make our power with 14 solar panels and a small wind mill. We keep things pretty simple here in order to stay within the range of our electrical capacity. Along with the goats, we diversify the farm with raising grass fed beef, whey fed pork, and pasture raised chickens. So we keep ourselves pretty busy around here.
Owners Name:  Laini Fondiller
Contact Email:  Contact Member
Contact Phone:  802-744-6365
Contact Fax:  n/a
Street Address:  973 Snyderbrook Rd
City:  Westfield
County:  n/a
US Zipcode:  5874
State (if in U.S.):  VT
Country:  United States
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Joined Site:  February 23, 2010
Homepage Hits:  1061
Reviewed Listings:  Vermont (0 Reviews)
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