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Pin Oak Farms
Our Locale
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Locale ID:  MO0001
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Business Detailed:  Pin Oak Farms is a diversified farming operation. We raise cattle, hay, row crops and vegetables. Vegetables are the largest part of our operation consisting of 160 acres. The produce we grow includes bell peppers, cucumbers, egg plant, muskmelons, pumpkins, sweet corn, tomatoes and winter squash. Every October we invite the public to come out and celebrate with us at our annual family fun days at our Pin Oak Farms U-Pick Pumpkin Patch. Where we offer wagon rides out to the pumpkin fields to pick your pumpkin. Don't worry about those kiddos while you browse our many fall decorations we offer for you they will be busy jumping, sliding and pedaling in our kiddo corral or having fun in our free straw bale maze, tub-o-corn, petting zoo. If you can't find the kids they are most likely in our 5 acre corn maze which is also free of charge. This will give you extra money to buy more pumpkins so bring a large trunk car, oh heck, just throw the kids in the back of the truck so you will have enough room for those beautiful pumpkins. Did you know we offer evening hay rides with a bon fire starting in September for birthday parties, corporate outings, church groups, or any excuse to get some friends together. Please call in advance for group hay ride reservations, you are also welcome to pitch a tent just don't pitch it in the creek or in the trash can please. For more information on our family fun days please visit our web site
Owners Name:  Duane and Michelle Brune
Contact Email:  Contact Member
Contact Phone:  (573) 237-4088
Contact Fax:  n/a
Street Address:  2431 Highway E
City:  New Haven
County:  Franklin
US Zipcode:  63068
State (if in U.S.):  MO
Country:  United States
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Locale ID MO0001:
Joined Site:  January 11, 2010
Homepage Hits:  1917
Reviewed Listings:  Missouri (1 Review)
Locale Products:  Acorn Squash (Locale Brand) in Missouri
Acorn Squash 1 Bushel (Grower's Reserve Brand) in Missouri
Bi Color Sweet Corn (Locale Brand) in Missouri
Bi Color Sweet Corn Bulk (Growers Reserve Brand) in Missouri
Butternut Squash (Locale Brand) in Missouri
Butternut Squash 1 Bushel (Grower's Reserve Brand) in Missouri
Cabbage (Locale Brand) in Missouri
Cabbage 1 3/4 Bushel (Grower's Reserve Brand) in Missouri
Cantaloupe (Locale Brand) in Missouri
Cantaloupe 100 Count (Grower's Reserve Brand) in Missouri
Cantaloupe 110 Count (Grower's Reserve Brand) in Missouri
Cantaloupe 80 Count (Grower's Reserve Brand) in Missouri
Cantaloupe 90 Count (Grower's Reserve Brand) in Missouri
Choice Pepper (Locale Brand) in Missouri
Choice Pepper 1 Bushel (Grower's Reserve Brand) in Missouri
Cucumber (Locale Brand) in Missouri
Cucumber 24 Count (Grower's Reserve Brand) in Missouri
Eggplant (Locale Brand) in Missouri
Eggplant 18 Count (Grower's Reserve Brand) in Missouri
Eggplant 24 Count (Grower's Reserve Brand) in Missouri
Green Bell Pepper (Locale Brand) in Missouri
Green Bell Pepper 1 Bushel (Grower's Reserve Brand) in Missouri
Green Bell Pepper 50 Ct. (Grower's Reserve Brand) in Missouri
Green Bell Pepper 60 Count (Grower's Reserve Brand) in Missouri
Jack-O-Lantern 30 Count (Grower's Reserve Brand) in Missouri
Jack-O-Lantern Large (Locale Brand) in Missouri
Jack-O-Lantern Small (Locale Brand) in Missouri
Jack-O-Lantern Small 40 Ct (Growers Reserve Brand) in Missouri
Pie Pumpkin (Locale Brand) in Missouri
Pie Pumpkin 1 Bushel (Grower's Reserve Brand) in Missouri
Pie Pumpkin 140 Count (Grower's Reserve Brand) in Missouri
Pie Pumpkin 160 Count (Grower's Reserve Brand) in Missouri
Spaghetti Squash 1 Bushel (Grower's Reserve Brand) in Missouri
Speghetti Squash (Locale Brand) in Missouri
Sweet Corn (Locale Brand) in Missouri
Sweet Corn Bulk (Grower's Reserve Brand) in Missouri
Tomatoes (Locale Brand) in Missouri
Tomatoes 20 Pound (Grower's Reserve Brand) in Missouri
Tomatoes 25 Pound (Grower's Reserve Brand) in Missouri
NOTE: We are updating profiles as quickly as we can - but if you would like to request that we update a grower's locale profile immediately, CLICK HERE and put in the Locale ID (i.e. CA5005) and we will update the requested profile immediately.

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