(e.g. Rivenrock Gardens or CA0002)
Business type:
Farmer, Grower, or Rancher
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Locale ID
Run by
Rosemary Kirincic
Aprovecho is a not-for-profit research and education community south of Eugene, Oregon. Aprovecho is located on a forty-acre eco-forestry land trust surrounded by logging forests and BLM land. We have a 2 acre organic farm with CSA membership.
Aprovecho is living, learning, organizing and educating to inspire a sustainable culture. We maintain a one-acre organic garden and a small campus for our various workshops in sustainable living skills. These include workshops surrounding topics of organic farming, permaculture, natural building, local foods, sustainable forestry, beekeeping, appropriate technologies (rocket stove design principles, composting toilets, clay oven building workshops etc.)
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Last Update:
18, 2010