(e.g. Rivenrock Gardens or CA0002)
Business type:
Farmer, Grower, or Rancher
Farm Pak
Locale ID
Run by
Jose Calderon
Farm Pak is a third-generation family-owned sweet potato farm located in eastern North Carolina. Over the past 55 years, we have become one of the most trusted and sought-after sweet potato brands in the world. Thank you for continuing to put your trust in us!
Barnes Farming is an environmentally-friendly operation and preserving the natural beauty of our cropland throughout eastern North Carolina is a main priority. We implement regenerative agriculture and conservation practices such as rotating crops, cover cropping, soil sampling, sequestering carbon, and reducing inputs. We also abide by social responsibility efforts to provide a safe and comfortable working environment.
In addition to these practices, our family-owned corporation holds many certifications that further showcase our commitments to sustainability, food safety, and the overall quality of our products.
Click for Locale Profile
Locale Products
Sweet Potato - Covington in
North Carolina
Sweet Potato - Covington in
North Carolina
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Last Update:
5, 2024