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Maverick Farms
Locale ID
Run by
Tom Philpott
Maverick Farms formed in spring 2004 to preserve a small farm in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, an area under intense pressure from development. We operate as an open laboratory, experimenting with human-scale farming techniques and traditional food preparation.
Maverick Farms works to reclaim the pleasures of eating and sharing meals in a culture overrun by industrial agriculture and flavorless food. The project arose out of Springhouse Farm, which for 30 years sold hand-picked vegetables to local restaurants. Maverick Farms is continuing with that tradition while embarking on new education and outreach projects to connect local food producers and consumers.
Because we see social justice as the food system's most crucial issue, we are dedicated to transforming food and farming practices to support cooperative, not subordinate, interrelationships between the economy, ecology, society and politics.
Check out our CSA Here:
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Last Update:
19, 2010