(e.g. Rivenrock Gardens or CA0002)
Business type:
Farmer, Grower, or Rancher
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Angus Acres
Locale ID
Run by
Beverly Franklin Atkinson
Farm Fresh, Pastured Raised, Vegetarian Fed, Free Range
Hand gathered twice a day from: Cuckoo Maran, Domique, Buff Orpington, Black Australorp, Barred Plymouth Rock, Delaware. Most of these are heritage breeds listed on the American Conservancy List. All shades of brown eggs – from latte to dark chocolate brown.
They're happy & healthy (never medicated) as they are able to peck, scratch, roam, and have variety to eat: grass, herbs, seeds, veggies, and supplemented vegetarian feed offered.
Thank you for supporting local sustainable agriculture.
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Last Update:
27, 2010