(e.g. Rivenrock Gardens or CA0002)
Business type:
Farmer, Grower, or Rancher
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Golden Dove Gallery and Mahanaim Farm
Locale ID
Run by
Raziel Shekhinah
Golden Dove Gallery and Mahanaim Farm
We are simple people living a simple life.
Michael and I are the parents of five children in ages ranging from 2 months to 16 years old.
My husband Michael is a Black Smith Farrier and a builder and well I am an artist and a sort of jack of all trades.
It was our combined dream to live in Arkansas and to have the farm we now live on.
Our plans include living completely off grid and being pretty much self self-sufficient and teaching others to do so as well.
Its a big job but most days we are up to the task.
As defenders of the rights of indigenous people and wildlife, over one third of the money we make goes towards this cause.
Helping to insure the right to life of many indigenous people and animals worldwide.
Each day we strive to save what is left of heritage farm animals and look to help others to do the same.
Currently we raise a small herd of Jacob Sheep, Old world Nubians, Red Golden Pheasants, Peacocks,Quail,Doves,Pigions, Old World Turkeys, Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Rabbits and more...
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Last Update:
8, 2011