(e.g. Rivenrock Gardens or CA0002)
Business type:
Farmer, Grower, or Rancher
White Fireweed Farm
Locale ID
Run by
Becky Hammond
Providing humanely raised products, livestock and handmade creations harvested from our farm.
Exotic Poultry Feathers- loose and fly tying hackles and saddles; Fresh Eggs; Exhibition Bred and heritage breeds of Poultry - Barred Rock, RC Rhode Island Reds, Welsummers, Black Crested White Polish; Registered Angora (mohair) and Nigora goats, selling spinning fiber, handspun yarns, livestock; Brome Hay Purebred Pigeons - Srebniaks, Archangels, Kings, Starlings, Yellow Brunner Pouters Assorted Arts/Crafts - faerie (fairie)/angel ornaments, dolls, , hair barrettes, hat pins, butterflies handspun, hand-dyed, hand knitted, crocheted and/or felted hats, scarves and other clothing
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Last Update:
9, 2010