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Product Suppliers > Names beginning K > Kline - Cushing Organic Farms, Inc.
Kline - Cushing Organic Farms, Inc.
Our Locale
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Locale ID:  CA0023
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Business Detailed:  Kline Organic Produce got its start in 1993 as Dos Manos Farm in Groveland, CA. We installed a drip system on a small patch of promising red Sierra dirt and grew a handful of great organic veggies. Dos Manos remained a constant moonlighting project for us for several years, moving with us to the Kline family orchard in Modesto and to Waterford in 1997. Here, we took on our current name, and organic produce farming became our day job instead of something on the side. At the same time, Bob and Margo Cushing found a promising piece of ground in Oakdale, CA. While a few different crops came to mind, the family settled on Almonds, and a beautiful orchard in rolling hills surrounding a six acre pond was formed into Railstone Ranch. Fortunately, there was an opportunity for Brian to be involved and he began managing the ranch in the Winter of 1997 – 98. Twelve years later, many trials, much tribulation, some frustrations, endless learning, great successes, our love of farming and our passion for adventure have brought us together in La Grange, CA. Here, nestled on 150 acres between Turlock Lake State Park and the Tuolumne River, the Kline and Cushing families have joined hands and formed Kline – Cushing Organic Farms.
Owners Name:  Brian
Contact Email:  Contact Member
Contact Phone:  (209) 605-4247
Contact Fax:  n/a
Street Address:  21713 Lake Road
City:  La Grange
County:  n/a
US Zipcode:  95329
State (if in U.S.):  CA
Country:  United States
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Joined Site:  May 30, 2013
Homepage Hits:  889
Reviewed Listings:  California (0 Reviews)
Locale Products:  Cucumber (Locale Brand) in California
Fingerling Potato (Locale Brand) in California
Heirloom Potato (Locale Brand) in California
Heirloom Tomato (Locale Brand) in California
Melon (Locale Brand) in California
Plumcot (Locale Brand) in California
Pomegranite, Red Large (Locale Brand) in California
Red Onion (Locale Brand) in California
Red Watermelon Seeded (Locale Brand) in California
Summer Squash (Locale Brand) in California
Summer Squash (Locale Brand) in California
Torpedo Onion (Locale Brand) in California
Walla Walla Onion (Locale Brand) in California
White Nectarine Large (Locale Brand) in California
White Peach Large (Locale Brand) in California
Yellow Nectarine Large (Locale Brand) in California
Yellow Peach Large (Locale Brand) in California
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