We are a retired couple who about seven years ago decided to try to reclaim some land and in the process grow a few things. Our main goal was to beautify the area and as a bonus, have some fresh produce. It has grown. We have added more land as well as a WWII vintage barn which has been restored. It now is the centerpiece of our operation. We are a small operation with about 2/3 acre of Chandler strawberries as well as about 500 blackberries (mostly thornless).Additionally our crops include muscadines, heirloom tomatoes, herbs, vegetables and cut flowers.
Our labor of love has provided many dividends. Frequently we have people who stop by just to admire our place. Hosting visitors has become an enjoyable sideline.
We welcome school groups, families or any other group that would like to see a small produce farm. We have hosted a field day at our place for the extension service. We utilize best practices from the extension service training as well as master gardener training. The DAR presented our farm with a national conservation award in 2009. Alabama Living magazine featured our farm in their publication.
As a general rule, the strawberries are available in mid April, with blackberries ripening in June. We have a pick your own option as well as already picked. We sell at the farm as well as at the Guntersville Farmers Market. Call us for more updated information regarding availability.
NOTE: We are updating profiles as quickly as we can - but if you would like to request that we
update a grower's locale profile immediately, CLICK HERE
and put in the Locale ID (i.e. CA5005) and we will update the requested profile immediately.