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Product Suppliers > Names beginning K > Klesick Family Farm
Klesick Family Farm
Our Locale
Locale ID:  WA5138
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Business Detailed:  How It Works Delivery right to your door. It’s that simple. Here’s how to get started: Each week we design our box menu with a variety of fresh organic produce from our own farm, other local farms, and/or other organic suppliers. We hand pack the produce into boxes for delivery to your home or office. You decide which of our different box menus best fits your needs, how often you want a delivery and we do the rest. What’s in a box? We have seven different types of boxes to choose from [click here to see this week’s box menu]: Harvest Box ($45) – fruits and vegetables for 6-8 people Family Box ($31) – fruits and vegetables for 4-6 people Small Box ($24) – fruits and vegetables for 2-4 people Northwest Box ($31) – fruits and vegetables from the Pacific Northwest region for 2-4 people Fruit Box ($24) – a selection of various fruits for 2-4 people Vegetable Box ($24) – a selection of various vegetables for 2-4 people Juicer Box ($24) – a specific selection of fruits and vegetables for those who like to juice (for 2 people) Are you only one person? Consider our Essentials line of fruits and vegetables designed for people who need smaller quantities of weekly produce. You can order an Essentials Fruit & Vegetable, Essentials Fruit & Salad, or Essentials Vegetable & Salad (each $16.50). Do you need more than a box? If you would need more than one of our standard boxes consider adding another box to your order or adding extra fruit, vegetables, eggs, coffee, artisan bread, honey, tuna or other grocery items from our online offerings. Would you prefer a little more flexibility? If you prefer to pick out your own produce instead of receiving one of our standard boxes, you can! Just choose from our many online options to select only those items you would like to receive. There is a $3.50 delivery charge when you do not order one of our standard boxes; however, this charge is waived when your delivery order totals $37.50 or more. Delivery areas Tuesday: Lake Stevens, Everett, Mukilteo, Silver Firs Wednesday: Anacortes, Mount Vernon, Bothell, Woodinville (limited), Mill Creek, Snohomish, Monroe Thursday: Edmonds, Lynnwood, Mountlake Terrace, Brier, Alderwood Manor, Marysville, Tulalip Friday: Lake Goodwin, Kayak Point, Warm Beach, Camano Island, Cedarhome, Stanwood, Kackman, Smokey Point, Arlington proper Finally, we’d love to have you visit our farm during one of the events and celebrations we host every year so check our website for details.
Owners Name:  Tristan Klesick
Contact Email:  Contact Member
Contact Phone:  360-652-4663
Contact Fax:  n/a
Street Address:  18826 Marine Drive
City:  Stanwood
County:  n/a
US Zipcode:  98292
State (if in U.S.):  WA
Country:  United States
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Joined Site:  May 22, 2010
Homepage Hits:  900
Reviewed Listings:  Washington (0 Reviews)
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