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Product Suppliers > Names beginning G > Golden Ears Cooperative Farm
Golden Ears Cooperative Farm
Our Locale
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Locale ID:  BC1005
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Business Detailed:  We are shifting towards an existence that follows the principles of permaculture. Meanwhile, we grow food for the local Farmer's Markets of Kamloops, B.C. and Chase, B.C. as well as run a fruit stand on the side of the Trans-Canada Highway. We experiment with new plants that are uncommon in our area and hope to make our valley "community sufficient" by finding ways to produce enough cooking oil, sugar and other staples uncommonly grown by organic farmers in our area.
Owners Name:  Tristan Cavers
Contact Email:  Contact Member
Contact Phone:  (250) 679-7693
Contact Fax:  n/a
Street Address:  5848 VLA Road
City:  Chase
County:  n/a
US Zipcode:  n/a
State (if in U.S.):  n/a
Country:  Canada
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Joined Site:  May 6, 2011
Homepage Hits:  871
Reviewed Listings:  British Columbia (0 Reviews)
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