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Product Suppliers > Names beginning L > Love Farm Organics
Love Farm Organics
Our Locale
Locale ID:  OR5128
Homepage URL:  n/a
Business Detailed:  We are an organic family farm, growing seasonal foods for local folks in the Portland metro-area. CSA members enjoy farm fresh produce mid-May through October. We grow a wide range of vegetables and fruits, with some herbs and flowers ensuring a variety of items to fill our member shares. We offer pick-up sites in Garden Home, NE Portland and out at our farm. We grow many types of berries for our CSA and offer u-pick in July and August. Local, Organic Community Supported Agriculture farm. We grown a wide assortment of vegetables, fruits and some herbs and flowers. Our farming practices always have and always will be sustainable and organically inclined. We do not use any harmful treatments or chemicals on the food we grow. We always will aim to renew our environmental resources, not exhaust or pollute them. We pride ourselves on sustainable, healthy growing practices which are in regular use and are integral to our farm. They are as follows: Crop rotations, cover-cropping, composting, composted manure's and compost teas, green manures, natural amendments, we never use synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides nor fungicides, we primarily use drip irrigation, we are committed to building soil tilth and supporting the life (worms, fungi and much more!) of the soil, we eat our dirt in the field regularly, we provide habitat for wildlife and beneficial insects, we use untreated and organic seeds often favoring the heirloom and open pollinated varieties, we cultivate the old fashioned way - with hoes and an old cultivating tractor which, we are working towards converting to bio-diesel, we provide for ourselves a humble, livable salary and in turn live sustainably and pay our help a fair and livable wage, we have a natural wetland and natural woods on our farm and plenty of wildlife.
Owners Name:  Amy Love
Contact Email:  Contact Member
Contact Phone:  (503) 515-9939
Contact Fax:  n/a
Street Address:  46125 NW Hillside Road
City:  Forest Grove
County:  Washington
US Zipcode:  97116
State (if in U.S.):  OR
Country:  United States
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Joined Site:  May 10, 2010
Homepage Hits:  1041
Reviewed Listings:  Oregon (0 Reviews)
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